TDO™ For Postgrads

A lot of students think they have to hire a commercial design company to design their first office.

What are the possible pitfalls? — They spend a lot of money and are dismayed when six months later they have to redo it because their office wasn’t designed the way an endodontist works! Or worse, they decide to live with their office the way it is and develop a repetitive stress injury

We will save you from making this and other costly mistakes. With TDO™ for Postgrads, you can start developing an ergonomic understanding of how to work while you’re still in school, enabling you to intelligently plan your office and your practice.


We believe in mentoring.

At TDO Software, both our staff and our users are committed to helping young clinicians establish a philosophy of practice that will guide them their entire career. We believe this philosophy of practice is the most important gift we can give young clinicians.

Board Cases

TDO Software automatically keeps track of all potential board cases and archives them for future review.

TDO™ Reference Library

TDO Software comes with a digital library that allows you to organize reference literature by topics and author making studying for the boards much easier.

TDO™ is integrated in the following post-graduate endodontic residency programs:

  • Albert Einstein Medical Center – Pennsylvania
  • St. Louis University – Missouri
  • University of California San Francisco – California
  • University of Chester – Chester, United Kingdom
  • University of North Carolina – North Carolina
  • University of Paris 7 – Paris, France
  • University of Tennessee – Tennessee

Want TDO to come to your school/university/program?

The following Universities have had students using the TDO™ Postgrad edition:

  • Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam
  • Baylor College of Dentistry – Texas
  • Boston University – Massachusetts
  • Case Western Reserve University – Ohio
  • College Sao Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil
  • Columbia University – New York
  • Eastman Dental Institute, London – United Kingdom
  • Harvard School of Dental Medicine – Massachusetts
  • Indiana University – Indiana
  • Institute for Dental Research & Education – Dubai
  • Loma Linda University – California
  • Louisiana State University – Louisiana
  • Lutheran Medical Center – New York
  • Medical College of Georgia – Georgia
  • Medical University of South Carolina – South Carolina
  • Nova Southeastern University – Florida
  • Saudi Commission for Health Specialties
  • State University of New York at Buffalo – New York
  • Tufts University – Massachusetts
  • United States Naval Dental Clinic – Okinawa, Japan
  • University of Adelaide – Australia
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham – Alabama
  • University of California, Los Angeles – California
  • University of Connecticut – Connecticut
  • University of Detroit Mercy – Michigan
  • University of Florida – Florida
  • University of Illinois – Illinois
  • University of Louisville – Kentucky
  • University of Maryland – Maryland
  • University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey – New Jersey
  • University of Melbourne – Australia
  • University of Michigan – Michigan
  • University of Minnesota – Minnesota
  • University of Missouri at Kansas City – Missouri
  • University of Nebraska – Nebraska
  • University of Pittsburgh – Pennsylvania
  • University of Southern California – California
  • University of Texas at Houston – Texas
  • University of Toronto – Ontario
  • VA Medical Center Long Beach – California
  • Virginia Commonwealth University – Virginia
  • West Virginia University

Want TDO to come to your school/university/program?


We can’t emphasize enough the importance of having an ergonomically designed office—an office designed around a sound understanding of how an endodontist works with the microscope. And no one understands efficient ergonomic workflow better than the TDO Software team because we introduced the microscope into the endodontist’s office in the first place. We can help you design a fully functional, aesthetically-pleasing office for a fraction of the price you’d pay a commercial design company.

Office Design

The plumbing. The flooring. The electrical. The cart. There are a lot of moving parts to designing an office in addition to the matter of ergonomics. By joining TDO™, you’ll be able to post questions about anything related to the physical plans of your office on TDO™ Chat and hear back from 30 to 40 people who have just gone through the process within a matter of days. Our users know what the construction costs are in different areas. They know where to buy things at the best price. Best of all, they’re willing to share their advice for free simply because someone else did the same for them.


Endodontic photography is a difficult skill that’s poorly understood. It’s also one of the most important ways to build your practice. Taking high quality, compelling pictures through the microscope is how you communicate your value to referring dentists and patients. TDO Software founder Dr. Gary Carr was the first endodontist to start taking pictures through the microscope, and over the years we’ve taught hundreds of doctors proper photo-documentation techniques. We’ll advise you on what equipment to purchase, how to use an adapter, the ergonomics of picture taking and all the other parts of good microscope photography.

Ready to switch to TDO Software? We’re here to help!